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  • Enterprise and Knowledge Center

Through organization, mobilization, advocacy and strategic partnerships, the Philadelphia CannaBusiness Association (PCBA) will become the one-stop enterprise and knowledge capital center for all prospective, or current, cannabis operators, patients, stakeholders and consumers in Philadelphia. The center will not only educate members of the public on the history of cannabis, seed to sale mechanisms, and business opportunities within the cannabis industry, but will also focus on aiding community organizations that focus on reentry, workforce development, mental health and other partners in the public health sector. Mutual aid work and reinvestment into our communities is a major facet of our work, and we look forward to working together for the greater good.


  • J.A.W.N Media Platform

The Philadelphia CannaBusiness Association J.A.W.N. (Just Access to Weed Now) media platform is centered around local stakeholders, entrepreneurs, patients, consumers and impacted communities that have been touched by cannabis prohibition and subsequent legalization. Our platform is meant to reverse the stigma, normalize cannabis use and heighten the ongoing contradictions and fallacies of the failed war on drugs. Our platform hopes to open a dialogue that begins to heal minds, and hearts.

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